Warm Lentil Salad with Sunflower Seeds & Roasted Root Vegetables

Warm Lentil Salad with Sunflower Seeds & Roasted Root Vegetables

Ok, so this is not the most seasonal of recipes, but a couple weeks ago I had the most fantastic roasted purple carrots in a restaurant, and since then I’ve been on a carrot kick. Growing up, I hated cooked carrots, so this new love of carrots is quite a surprise to me. Continue reading

Superfood Seaweed: Kombu


If you had asked me what “kombu” was a few months ago, I would have had no idea what you were talking about (and I think a lot of people living in England or America would have the same response.) So for those of you who are still scratching you head, read on. Continue reading

Hold the Mayo: Rainbow Coleslaw

I have never been a big fan of mayonnaise. Pasta salad, potato salad, and coleslaw have always been dishes I’ve bypassed at picnics and potlucks – sometimes I’d try a bite of pasta salad and think “maybe this time I’ll like it,” but coleslaw never intrigued me Continue reading